Literary Elements In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 and became one of the most well-known British writers over his lifetime. His mother died when he was 14 and in 1911 contracted a disease that would leave him blind for the rest of his life. Huxley was married twice, only had one kid, and in 1960 he was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer but only lived a few more years. He wrote a various collection of essays, poetry, short stories, and a few movie scripts before he started writing full books. In 1931, Huxley published Brave New World which is a science fiction novel about a world based on control and conditioning. He also published a collection addressing each issue the book would have with what modern society was like back in the early to mid 1900’s. Huxley’s…show more content…
Though it has many forms, most science fiction novels are based on a futuristic or advanced time line. Some examples of science fiction elements are space travel, time travel, horror, mystery, supernatural, and extraterrestrial life. There is no single form of science fiction writing, therefore, it’s a hard term to define. It vastly varies by country on what is read and produced in relation to themes and elements. A closely related genre is fantasy and itself has a science subgenre. To those who aren’t fond of the Sci-Fi genre, the conventions that focus around it are odd and sometimes comical. Back in the early 1900’s, science fiction was gearing up for a huge burst of fanatics, but writers like H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley were writing before it was a popular genre. A desire for more knowledge and imagination back in the 1920’s and 1930’s were what made science fiction begin it’s trend among society’s reading…show more content…
The Director explains how there was a time where it was considered immoral and unnatural to play in this way and how the restriction was hurting society’s growth. While this was happening the Director sees a child crying in the bushes because he is scared of the “erotic play” (Huxley, 1931). So, the Director sends the boy to the psychologist to resolve the issue. In the background, Lenina and Henry, who is also a worker at the Center, get ready to go out on a date. Mustapha Mond walks up to the students and the Director introduces him as one of the World Controllers in which his area of control is Western Europe. The Director is not fond of Mond because he has a safe full of books that are, in a sense, outlawed. Mond notifies the Director that he has no intention of corrupting the students’ thoughts or world appointed views. After explaining himself, Mond states a quote from Henry Ford, “History is bunk”, to show why the students didn’t know about how humans are modernly created. He then goes on to explain why emotion is discouraged, stating is extreme effects. When the World State wanted to remove emotion and promote the caste system of Greek classification, a war that lasted for nine years begun. Naturally the war was named “Nine Years’

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