Post Prison Incarceration

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction of Post-Prison Adjustment Incarceration affects the prisoners themselves by taking a toll on their psychological health and social environmental issues. Inmates get a lot of discomfort because of the distance between their loved ones. Criminals might not understand the consequences they seek prior to prison and how it might affect them throughout their stay. Prison dehumanizes them by giving each inmate a number in which they will go by instead of their name. They are also on a strict schedule in which includes the time a criminal eats, sleeps, workout, and even schedules times for showers. When released from prison inmates have to familiarize themselves to the freedom that's offered in the “real world”.…show more content…
Although inmates cannot be denied to health aid they might not have the best care desired as they would in the “real world”. This is because of the overwhelming ratio of inmates to physicians. There is logically not enough health care available for every inmate to get exactly what he or she needs. The doctors are strictly advised to help inmates that need high potential care prior to helping those in need of minor care. In the Jail Incarceration, Homeless, and Mental Health: A National Study article George Greenberg and Robert Rosenheck investigation found that inmates who were homeless prior to confinement are more likely to have mental health issues (Greenberg & Rosenheck, 2008). Mental health complications shake inmates for instance the result of parents being in custody can trigger a detachment the consequence of their children having the same difficulties. In the article Incarceration, Maternal Hardship, and Perinatal Health Behaviors the authors stated “...vulnerable women were less likely to engage in positive perinatal health behaviors important to infant and early childhood development” (Dumont et al., 2014). These initial actions can cause the health of a child to be psychologically alienated, because of the withdrawal of their mother. Considering the fact that most prisons do not allow children to live in the facility afterbirth, women who give birth to their child confined are more likely to have health problems. It has become more common for prisons to have nurseries for mothers, but the children have to permanently leave the facility once they reach a certain age. The disconnection between a newborn or any aged child for that matter are very likely to have a higher risk of being mentally dysfunctional. In contrast to a child being raised by their mother and birthed in an atypical hospital with all the pre-pregnancy care she
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