Attention Getter For Drug Abuse Essay

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Cole Vickery COM 114 Section 749 Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that placing those addicted to drugs in mental hospitals rather than prisons. Thesis Statement: Locking up those who abuse drugs instead of treating their illness in a hospital is ignoring the problem and putting their health at risk. INTRODUCTION: I. Attention Getter: According to a recent article released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 48.8% of inmates are convicted for drug abuse. The number of people convicted for drug abuse has only increased in the last 30 years which has raised the number of inmates substantially and put a major strain on U.S. prisons. This not only raises the cost to maintain these facilities but also puts the lives of those convicted…show more content…
Thesis Statement: Locking up those who abuse drugs instead of treating their illness in a hospital is ignoring the problem and putting their health at risk. Transition: Let’s start by discussing how drug addiction is more of an illness than a criminal offense. I. According to Webster’s dictionary, a disease is, “…a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally.” A. Addiction to drugs most definitely fits that description. 1. It is responsible for psychological problems, such as depression, violent hallucinations, and mania. 2. Drug addiction can lead to physical problems, including strokes, organ failures, heart attacks and death. 3. The addict’s life becomes “disordered” because he is unable to relate to others, keep a job, and take care of himself. B. The definition of a crime by Webster’s is, “An illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government.” 1. While the federal government currently recognizes the use of illegal substances as a crime, punishable by jail time, it is possible that future laws could treat the addiction rather than punish it. 2. This country needs to rethink its policy on treating drug addicts because incarceration doesn’t work. In many cases the time spent in federal prison only prolongs or increases their dependency on

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