Political Participation In India

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The centralised development system in the post-Independence era failed miserably in India, leading to huge corruption, lack of accountability and transparency and as a result, the development of people suffered (……). Finally, the struggle by people and recommendations of several Committees led to the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments that established the legitimised three-tier Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) in 1992. The PRI was introduced in rural areas as a distinct third-tier of the government to realise the progressive intent of national policy and to strengthen local democracy. The law enforces that each state will conduct regular elections in all three levels of Panchayat (District, Panchayat Samiti or Mandal and Gram Panchayat).…show more content…
However, according to Birch (2007), ‘Political participation is participation in the process of government, and the case for political participation is essentially a case for substantial numbers of private citizens to play a part in the process by which political leaders are chosen and or government policies are shaped and implemented’. Political participation thus focuses in political processes like voting, contesting elections, campaigns, mobilisation of resources for political parties, political protests, advocating with government officials and many…show more content…
Civic participation means actively engaging in the public sphere i.e. community or society, which includes building community infrastructure, disaster relief, volunteering for charitable cause, working for environment protection, protesting and demanding for better facilities and many others. People want to have their say in the development process. It is important for the youth to participate actively to avail more opportunities for their individual growth and the development of the State. Voluntary political participation refers to an activity, which has the intent or effect of influencing government action. This influence can happen either directly by affecting the making or implementation of public policy or indirectly, by influencing the selection of people who make those policies (Verba, et al 1995). Civic engagement or participation is defined by Macintosh and Youniss as a public activity involving collaboration and conflict management in the regulation, direction and development of common affairs (via persuasion, argument, debate, defence, compromise)

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