Police Body Cameras

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A recent University of South Florida study, which examined the effects of body cameras within the Orlando Police Department, found a 65 percent drop in complaints against officers. Cops who wore the cameras had a 53 percent reduction in officers use of force. The debt on cops wearing body cameras has gone on for quite some time now, and the truth is body cameras should be permitted in all police departments. There have been numerous amounts of deaths and accusations between officers and the victims who have had an encounter with them. Many people a questioning whether the police, want to actually protect them or do these so called “crimes” have to do with the color of skin. Police are “supposed to be protecting you, but you can't trust them…show more content…
People would want to know what they are doing because people worry, when hearing what cops are doing on the news and social media from brutality of civilians to shooting of African Americans, they can never know if they will be next or someone they love. In an incident with an unarmed teenager by the name of Michael Brown who shot and killed by police officer who soon found not guilty “ some witness confirmed officer Darren Wilson’s account that he shot… in self defense. Others say he did not pose a threat”. If Wilson had the body camera on him on Brown's community would have known whether he truly did pose a threat as well, as if this officer was doing his job. With shooting of Samuel Dubose it actually gave a people an inside look on what some cops behaved if they did have the camera on. Ray Tannings the officer that shot and murder Samuel Dubose in head at a stop sign, Tanning's claimed that it was on accident and he was forced to shot the young man. His statement was completely false when “ footage from the body camera worn by... officer Tannings open fire on Samuel Dubose, an unarmed black man, reach for his seat belt”. Things such as this honestly make people question what they are doing, as people see these types of incidents that can clearly be avoided but it is not that's why people are wondering what cops are…show more content…
With the help of the government we can make sure that it does happen in all police departments because not only do the people need these cameras but just a well as the officer. “US Justice Department announced…. that it would provide $20 million in grants to local police departments to help buy body cameras for officers - part of a $75 million, three-year program”(Study shows that with police body cameras everyone behaves better) this is an amazing jump start on to having these cameras in all departments there should not only be few out there. Body cameras in all departments will not only with body cameras in all departments help citizens but it help officers as well, not only are people victims but so are cops. Many of them are getting hurt in the job and when there comes a point on who assaulted who people go straight to the cop and not the other person in the assault. Since many people have stop trusting these cops, if an officer were to get hurt and use self defense no one would believe they were trying to protect themselves but that can change with body cameras. Police officers are people too and with the cameras being brought to all departments it shows that the enforcers of these cameras care to protect not only citizens but the safety of cops as
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