The Conviction Depicted In Enrique's Journey

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Enrique’s Journey documents the rough life of a young Central American boy, and his quest to reunite with his mother who left him at such a young and tender age in search of a better job in the United States. Enrique’s mother, Lourdes, struggles in Honduras to support her two young children. Her future is bleak, and she knows she cannot afford to send her children to school past the third grade, and she does not want them to grow up in extreme poverty the way she did when she was young. Like many other women in similar circumstances, Lourdes leaves her family to travel to the United States to find work so that she can send money home for her children. Lourdes does not say goodbye to Enrique or his little sister Belky, it is too hard for her. Enrique, young and confused, has no idea why his mother has left him and his family in Honduras does not give him straight answers. It is January 29, 1989, and Lourdes never returns. Frustrated with his mother, his own issues of abandonment, and the death of his beloved uncle, Enrique turns to drugs for comfort. Enrique feels compelled to journey to his mother, the only person he believes might…show more content…
The physical consequences of victimization are often visible and range in seriousness from bruises and scrapes, to broken bones, to fatal injuries. Harm can also include psychological/emotional damage, physical or sexual injury, or economic loss. To travel towards the United States, Enrique, like many other migrants, rode the top of freight trains, a most dangerous endeavor. Numerous migrants have been victimized and killed on the trains. Gangsters dictate the tops of the trains, robbing, beating, raping, and killing migrants. Equally dangerous are corrupt police agents and Mexican immigration, who are also known for victimizing

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