Places To Visit Germany Essay

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Introduction. Germany, a European powerhouse that has influenced the cause of politics, history and culture for not only the region but the whole world in an undeniable manner. In case you are visiting Germany for the first time or making subsequent trips to the country, you cannot help but marvel at the wealth of culture, history, beauty and of course beer. From the beautiful rivers, Alps and beautiful landscape of the German outdoors to the bustling streets, fine galleries and museums of the various metropolises that dot the country, Germany has everything for everybody. While the tons of things to see and places to visit will sure leave you spoilt for choice, we have made your work easier by coming up with a list of six places that we think you must add to your itinerary. Places to Visit. 1. Museum Island in Berlin. Located at the heart of Germanys capital and cultural hub is the Museumsinsel or Museum Island that boasts of housing some of the oldest museums and galleries in the whole of the country. Located between the river Kree and the Kupfergraben- which is a 400 meter long canal that runs off the river-a stroll in the Museum Island will over exceed your expectations if you have a knack for antiquity. Here you get a chance to see the old museum, new museum, national gallery, as well as the Bode museum where there is so much to see. 2.…show more content…
After it was taken down in 1990, what now remains of the once majestic 160 km barrier is just a one kilometer stretch that has been colonized by talented graffiti artists as a sketch board for their art. You can also make a point of visiting the berlin wall memorial, where names of about 70 people who died trying to cross over are inscribed or the berlin wall exhibition which features permanent exhibits relating to the

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