Philosophy Of Cloning

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Philosophy Essay: The Ethics of Cloning. LiveScience has publiced an article by Rachael Rettner, explaining the unethical to clone a human. As a future practitioner of medicine, I would like to touch on this argument over the ethical side of cloning a human. First, I will describe what it means to clone a human and manipulate their genetic biology. Next I will provide detailed information over how the branches of ethics for cloning and then against the idea of it. defines cloning as “The process of creating a genetically identical copy.” In basic since it means to create an exact replica of a host. When discussing the Ethics of Human Cloning society tends to forget that cloning happens all the time in nature; bacteria uses binary fission to produce genetically identical copies of itself. Even Human skin cells clone themselves when the previous cell dies off and needs to be replaced.…show more content…
“ Nuclear transfer, what this means is that DNA from the cell of an animal, is extracted and inserted into an egg cell from the same animal. The egg cell has had its nucleus removed so that it will read and duplicate the DNA of the donor cell. The newly created embryo is then zapped with electricity so that it starts multiplying, until it becomes a blastocyst, which is then implanted into a surrogate mother. The resulting newborn will be an identical genetic replica to the donor.” Cloning allows us to create duplicates of vital organs in our individual selves, able to be used if when anything happens to our host organs. This creates longer life expectancy and isn’t very different than our skin cells replacing themselves. The only difference would be it’s on a larger scale. For the people that might say that it is unethical to do so, and by cloning we take away our diversity and lowering our possibilities to

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