Personal Narrative-Racism

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“Now, RUN”! I exclaimed, to the people in on the petrify of the others. It was 2015 Deer Camp, and everyone wanted it to last longer. What better way to make it last longer than stay up late; all night. It was eleven-thirty and pitch black. We couldn’t see a hand in front of our face. Everyone was running up and down the trails scaring as they went. I had the master scheme to frighten all my friends by the fire. This is what happened that pitch black night in May. We darted along the trail for little while. I quickly veered to the right so the others couldn’t glimpse us. All five of my acquaintances followed. I detected a ditch with just enough space for the five of us. I dived in after everyone was in the ditch. We watched as everyone else passed by shining their lights as they went. Once I perceived that they progressed past us. I got up and dashed towards the fire. We were about 30 yards away when I saw the others.…show more content…
We all fell to the ground blatantly. I tried to slow my breathing because the others were 5 yards away! Sam was just a few feet away “smack” Antonio lobbed a pine cone at a tree. I thanked Antonio and started towards the woods behind the fire. We made it to the woods behind the fire right when the others sat around on the benches. We remained there for a little while waiting for all of them to come back. Yes the others I can see there flashlights shining. Wait why are they leaving the fire. “Andrew thinks he saw the others” someone

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