Personal Narrative: Personal Experience

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For me, the idea of going to UW was one that was considered carefully and eased into over time. At first I was skeptical. Since I was two years old, my family has been moving across the country. I was born in california, at two years old moved to massachusetts, moved back to washington, and with four or five moves later, my family settled down in Madison. I was seven years old at the time, and everything was new and confusing to me, but I knew that this new city was the best place I had lived so far. Not to big or too small, I was in a place with plenty of people to get to know and a lot of cool things to see. I grew up heavily influenced by the culture of Madison and its people. Going to the farmers market downtown, protesting at the capitol,…show more content…
Should I go out and experience a new city, with new people and new aspirations? These questions filled my mind with doubt. However, I began to consider more than just the city. The city of Madison is undeniably beautiful, but the richness of the people and the experiences I had had here were something I had begun to take for granted. I realized that even if I remained in the place I had spent most of my life growing up in, and knew all the roads, the architecture, and the hangout spots, the life experiences that awaited me along with the rich campus culture and community would always leave something new and unique to be experienced. If I were accepted, I would absolutely want to take full advantage of any extracurricular opportunities presented to me, specifically any clubs or committees dedicated to organizing events for students to meet one another and appreciate the culture of Madison like I do. I would also be interested in any clubs involved with researching interesting topics or casual clubs involved with any kind of music. I guess that in the end, after a lot of consideration, I came to the conclusion that UW Madison that UW would be almost the perfect school for me because of the beautiful cultural experiences that have already immersed me into the unique and unforgettable
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