Personal Narrative: Journal Entry

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“Dragon!” Raven shot up out of bed nearly falling off the bed, she fanatically looked around the room noticing the door was slightly open and Nevermore was no were to be seen. Suddenly another voice rang through the halls, “I shall save you!” Daring called heroically. “Oh no, Nevermore!” Raven cried scrambling up and out the door in a desperate attempt to get to her dragon before Daring did. She found them in the hall Nevermore had grown to almost full size smoke pouring out of her nostrils as the dragon glared at a frightened looking maid. Daring stood protectively in front of her sword drawn, Dexter and Darling watched bleary eyed from a few feet away. Just as Daring was about to thrust his sword forward… Raven ran forward, “Stop!” she cried standing in front of the dragon. “What for? I was about to…show more content…
“Uh huh yeah sure.” Darling taunted leaning into her twin. “What do you guys think?” Maddie exclaimed happily as her and Raven made their way back to the two. Raven was now wearing a small black hat with teal flowers and purple feathers. “I like the feathers.” Darling offered encouragingly. Maddie nodded in agreement, “Feathers for the Raven bird.” She stated with a smile. Raven carefully took the hat off setting it on the bench to rummage through her bag for some money, “I think I’ll get this one.” She said happily pulling out her wallet. “Are either of you worried about your brother?” Raven asked realizing she hadn’t seen Daring all day. Darling and Dexter both shook their head no. “He’s probably off with his friends, or looking for some new hair gel.” Darling replied. “Okay, were to next?” Raven asked looking around the bustling town square. “Ooh is that a music store?” She asked pointing to a store with a large cardboard cutout a drum set in the window. “Yeah, we go there if you want.” Darling agreed walking towards the
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