Personal Narrative Analysis

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“Nicole look at this,” My little brother giggled as he bobbed over to the statue, “I’m a statue!” His boyish smile sparkled through his braces and eyes. He is such a goofball, always making faces for the camera. Andrew works his hardest to lighten the mood, and bring a laugh to us all. “Snap, Snap. Work it, girl!” I snickered, “you’re so good, you could be a model.” “Calm down you two. You guys are as foolish as a couple of monkeys! Let’s go in this shop,” my mom said as she entered a small boutique. The store sold an extensive collection of home décor, ranging from intricately painted plates to eccentric, sculpted-chicken trinkets. I found a quote wood sign that read, “Think happy be happy.” It was an adorable saying, especially because…show more content…
“We are going to Nashville for spring break this year,” they proclaimed. “What do you mean we are going to Nashville? Last week you said we were going to Chicago!” I responded, confused. “The plans have changed,” my mother fired back. I complained, “I know nothing about Nashville, except that people there love country music, and I don’t even like country music!” “Good, now you can learn a little more about a new place. There is more to Nashville than just country music,” mom explained. Over the time leading up to the trip, my siblings and I asked many probing questions to figure out what exactly we were going to do in Nashville. I was not pleased with the last minute change in destination for our spring break trip because Chicago is one of my favorite cities, with the bustling Navy Pier and skyscraping Willis Tower. Nashville seemed tedious, anyway. It was now the last day our trip to Nashville, and we were spending the day touring the Gaylord Opryland Resort. At the end of the day, my family and I got ice cream together. We talked about our favorite parts of the trip. “What about you, Nicole? What was your favorite part of our vacation?” my little sister, Emma,

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