Personal Identity And Social Identity

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This essay examines the articles of Weber and Horner (2011), Thornborrow (2009) and Edwads (2009), by comparing their various arguments that they put forward and indicating whether these articles are similar or different. The second paragraph narrows the research question and relates it to the essay’s overall purpose. Paragraphs 3-4 constitutes the review of the literature whereby, this essay summarises, compare and elaborate on the various articles. The way you talk, dress and behave is an important way of showing the kind of person you are, thus you are indicating your social identity. Furthermore, identity is an ever growing process through the interaction with others. The use language is part of accomplishing and displaying this shift.…show more content…
A particular religion or culture would accept the individual based on the giving of a name. According to Thornborrow, social identity has to do with how others see you. In Weber and Horner (2012), personal identity is viewed as essentialist, whereby you perceive the self in a continuous and fixed view, whereby core identity is constituted by a true self. Weber and Horner (2012), mainly discuss ascribed and imposed identities and the way in which we see ourselves. Using multilingual strategies, they explore how language is constructed. Edwards (2009) discusses personal identity as constructed of our dispositions, individual traits and characteristics as these components define the uniqueness of a person. The idiolect, according to Edward (2009) is mostly unique to the individual, therefore seeing language as an identity marker. In addition, Edwards also discusses the construction and the maintenance of groupness, which states that even though we have our unique personal identity, there are also social identities which are connected with various groups that we are part of. Edwards (2009) also mentions language and circumstance, here the use of language free flow and dynamic, whereby it may occur ‘automatically’ or in unconscious…show more content…
They have discussed personal identity as a concept within oneself that continues to evolve in the remainder of our live. Furthermore, they discuss social identity in a similar form as well. Whereby Thornborrow,Weber and Edwards define social identity by referring to the groups in which speakers belong and how these speakers are perceived in their groups. In addition, it is noticeable that language and identity does not seem to be separated. This is apparent in the articles that have been read so far. Edwards, Thornborrow and Weber have discussed language and identity as one. This evident in the example by Firstly in regard to their differences, Thornborrow (2009) discusses language and identity by drawing on names and naming practices as a way of being distinguished from others as an individual. On the other hand, Edwards (2009) discusses language and identity by referring to the construction and the maintenance of groupness whereby once the boundaries have been formed, being part of the group becomes important and the individuality, bonding plus rivalries are foreseeable. Whereas Weber (2012) discusses language and identity by referring to language crossing and code switching as forms of language and identity. Weber (2012) describes this language crossing and code switching as using varieties of language and style in a one communicative event.

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