Peloponnesian Wars: The Roles Of Ancient Greek Men And Women

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The roles of ancient Greek men and women were important, everybody had a role, and it all depended on where you live. Men’s rights were all the same throughout Greece. But the women’s rights were different. Spartan women had more rights than Athenian women, children also had roles. Even the Greek gods and goddesses had roles. Roles were imperative and were the way of life. Depending on where you lived, everybody’s roles were different. Sparta and Athens were different; after all, they fought against each in the Peloponnesian Wars. There were some similarities concerning women and men. The differences were rather more focused on women than the men. The men were all the same except clothing and other minor parts in politics. The battle strategies…show more content…
Men could be educated in whatever subjects they were most interested in. when they are age twenty and in the army they may marry, but the price is to stay in the army for extra years. Every male in Greece is drafted into the army. At the age of thirty a man may choose to stay or leave the army in hope of finding a job. In the ancient Greek times women were not very popular; men were more superior. Their rights are complete opposites. All their actions depended on what their rights were. Their actions also depended on where they were in the social hierarchy, or the caste system. The higher up in the caste the more powerful; the lower people are they are not powerful at all. The women basically had zero rights. They could not take part in any form of government at all. They were considered to be at the lowest part of the social hierarchy. They had no rights of citizenship at all. Older women and widows had more rights because they had more needs than regular women. The men in ancient Greece were given anything. They could do whatever they wanted to. They could work jobs in government. They became a citizen at age thirty when women would never be granted citizenship. They could also be elected as ephors, who were officials that ran day to day affairs. The ephors had the most power. Therefore, men were the most important and the most dominant…show more content…
They helped their mother around the house and they did outside chores with the slaves. The girls were not treated poorly; they lived a good secluded life. They did not have to deal with wars or politics. They only cared for their family and how to keep the house in order. The boys learned to read, and also learned mythology and religion. But they also learned thing the girls did not get educated in. the boys learned craftsmanship and how to become a warrior. They were trained at age seven to begin a lifetime of military. They had a coarse diet, did hard exercises, and were given rigid discipline. At age twenty they had a choice to either join the army or go and marry a woman and live in the barracks for ten more years. They also lived difficult childhoods. The gods and goddesses also had roles in ancient Greece. Even though they are in mythology and some people do not believe in it, but they are real to the Greeks. Most of the gods and goddesses had important roles and they were needed more than some of the other gods and

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