Peace Like A River Analysis

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In Leif Enger's novel Peace Like a River, a family whose life was filled with hardship preservers with the help of God, and a few miracles performed by their dad, Jeremiah Land. The character Reuben Land is the 11 year old narrator whose life long respiratory difficulties have left him in a frail state. This novel illustrates the transformation that Reuben makes into a physically and mentally strong young man. Reuben demonstrates that good things come to those who wait. The act of breathing is a voluntary reflex that most of us take for granted. However, for Reuben this was a disability that he dealt with for almost his entire life. Born with "swampy Lungs.” (2). Reuben was lifeless for the first 12 minutes of his life until his father ordered…show more content…
Despite being the middle child, Reuben lacked the maturity and confidence of his younger sister Swede. Early in the book, Reuben was a follower not a leader. He often followed the opinions and decisions of his little sister, who was smart and mature for her age ,and was seen as a natural leader by her family. Swede was always caring for Reuben not only physically but also emotionally. She truly loved her brother and would help him whenever she could .Swede was the stronger of the two "she wiggled away and stood over me ,and I was grasping ruin, 'I Win!' she hollered. "(186). Soon after Davy was arrested and jailed for murder it was Swede who turns to Reuben for comfort and support. She was having problems making the ending of her poem work so she went to Reuben asking " Reuben can I sleep in here?’Sure”. There wasn't much moon. All I could see of her looked like a white kitten crouched on the pillow. ‘from now on?’ she said. ‘Till Davy gets back.”(67). As tough as she was Swede knew Reuben and her were a pair, and he would always be there to guide and protect

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