Foreshadowing In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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John Steinbeck’s historically acclaimed novella ‘Of Mice and Men’ is predominately a result of his incredible ability to produce a complicated fictional reality story. Steinbeck uses the idea of setting to portray the technique of foreshadowing which is considered as a major aspect with in the ‘Of Mice and Men’ novella. Steinbeck uses one of the main themes to add insight into the lives of the ranch workers and those on the fringes of society. John Steinbeck was born in 1902 in Salinas, near the coast of California, 40km north of Soledad, the town featured in ‘Of Mice and Men ‘Steinbeck’s mother was a former school teacher who encouraged a love for fiction in her son and helped him to become a fluent reader at the age of five. Steinbeck had…show more content…
This is shown in chapter two “The bunkhouse was a long rectangular building”, this could indicate to us that there are no distinguishing or interesting features, perhaps this could represent the lives of the ranch workers. It almost presents an images of a prison- the workers are certainly trapped in their existence. Steinbeck also writes that the bunkhouse has small square windows which indicates that the light coming through the windows signifies a lack for hope. Chapter two exposed this feature by stating “small square windows”, this connotes that the workers have their future sealed in this never ending cycle. (Entrapment). To add to this it could be a metaphor for their dreams – they have a small piece for hope. It is also said that Curley wife who is not named which already indicates that she is insignificant within the novella. It’s also said to be that Curley’s wife contributes to the death of their dream, when she enters the light form the outside is cut off it states this in chapter two “the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off”, this could relate back to the dream and Curley’s wife could be a distraction in order to get to this which can be foreshadowing the death of Georges and Lennie’s dream. The treatment and living conditions that the workers are exposed to within the bunkhouse perfectly indicates to us the difficulties in reaching the American dream. This is explained in chapter two by the quotation “floor unpainted” as well as “each bunk there was nailed apple boxes opening forward”, this indicates to us that the workers are considered as insignificant. As George and Lennie look up normally they see the sun which symbolises hope and shooting stars which people make wishes but when they look up they see fireflies which indicates that the wishes they make don’t come true.They are simply temporary workers who could be easily
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