Patriots Research Paper

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When you tell someone the Patriots are your favorite football team you often get eye rolls by people and you are called a “band-wagon” fan, but for me the Patriots are truly a special team. Super Bowl XXXVIII was the first football game I could ever remember viewing. It was the first day in February of 2003 and the New England Patriots won the game with a field goal as time expired! As the kick was made, people scattered around my living room went berserk, I was simply enthralled. Growing up in my family, it was only natural that I began to love the game of Football. My dad, uncles and just about every male in my family has played and loved the game. The New England Patriots were my first glimpse of this newfound passion, and have taught me…show more content…
Being that the NFL is a big business, many players can easily believe they are worth more money to a franchise, and request to be paid more. At New England the team comes long before any increase in salary. The Patriots have one goal and that is to win the Super Bowl every year. Tom Brady, quarterback of the Patriots, is known to have taken pay cuts so that the Patriots could afford to add higher caliber players to their team. When the ego of a Patriot player gets too large, and they become too good for the team they will hastily be traded to another team. This has happened countless times, whether it was defensive tackle Vince Wilfork, or star wide receiver Wes Welker the Patriots put the team above the individual. Patriot’s players are known to be among the hardest working in the NFL. The advent of receiver Danny Amendola so close to the season’s beginning had Brady worried that they would not have good chemistry. Brady invited Amendola to spend a week with him at Brady’s house. They threw hundreds of footballs a day until they had the ability to complete throws in total darkness. The amount of effort the Patriot players give, and their overall concern for the organization have been good examples of dedication to

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