Patrician And Plebeian Conflict

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Throughout the period of 600 B.C.E until 600 C.E., one should take note of the significance of the conflict between the plebeian and the patrician classes. The struggle shaped Roman government in that the aristocracy, patricians controlled the early Roman Republic from their positions in the senate. The highest positions in the government were held by two consuls, or elected leaders elected by patricians, who ruled the Roman Republic. At this time, lower-class citizens, plebeians had nearly no say in the government. This unfair balance of power leads to struggle throughout the time period. Patricians and plebeians were be severely separated—increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. While gradually, the plebeians were granted the right to elect their own representatives, tribunes who gained the power to “veto” measures passed by the senate. Over time, the plebeians gained even more power, and eventually could hold the position of consul. In spite of these changes, the patricians were still able to use their means to control and influence the elected leaders.…show more content…
The Punic Wars, three wars for a dispute over the control of trade in the western Mediterranean Sea lasted from around 260 B.C.E. to 150 B.C.E. A situation arose such as the wars, which required the leadership of one individual. Under these special circumstances, the Senate and the consuls would appoint a temporary dictator to rule for a limited time until the crisis was resolved. While a dictator was in possession of all the power over government, such as making his decisions without need for any approval, and had full control over the military it had not yet proven to be an unjust or unreliable system for the Roman

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