Part 1 Extended Response Essay

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Part 1 Extended Response 1. The different stages of sleep and what occurs in each When you are awake and relaxed, an EEG shows alpha waves. During stage 1 your heart rate slows, visual images that resemble hallucinations may be seen, and sometimes you’ll have a hypnic jerk, where you suddenly jerk awake again. After that is Stage 2, where you see bursts of brain activity on the EEG recording, which are referred to as spindles. Next is Stage 3, during which it begins to be difficult for you to awaken. Your breathing decreases, and there are no longer any spindles in your brain waves. Stage 4 is deep sleep. During this stage the EEG shows long, slow waves, called delta waves. If you are awakened in this stage, you will probably be very disoriented and not know where you are at first. This is the stage where sleepwalking, sleep talking, bedwetting, and night terrors occur. 2. Length of the cycles About…show more content…
It explains that findings like a hypnotised person being able to block out a painful experience and feel no pain, but still be able to rate how strong the pain stimulus is. The Social Influence theory, a non-state theory, argue that hypnosis is more like a role that people play although it does stress the importance of whether or not they might not be doing it consciously. These social theories are useful in explaining how how people are exquisitely sensitive to the suggestions, and the contexts of different situations, how hypnosis can never be the same thing every time for every person. These theories pay more attention to people's beliefs & expectations than the 'state' theories. Both state and non-state theories are useful when explaining aspects of the hypnotic experience. When each is shown on its own then neither, by themselves, seems able enough to explain everything about
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