Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded By Joaquim Salles

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In the article “ The Gap Between Rich and Poor is the Widest Ever Recorded, by Joaquim Salles, it explains that the income gap between the rich and the poor is at its all time high. According to a Pew Research Center Report upper income families are 7 times more wealthy than middle income families, while in 1984 the gap was only about 3.4,and compared to low income families the income gap reaches a staggering 70 times larger! Not to mention that the only people who are getting richer are the rich people themselves the top 10% to be more precise and the other 90% are getting poorer. Whats even worse is that the top 0.1% are worth more than the bottom 90 percent. However the financial crises that hit America in 2008 affected are levels of income

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