Personal Narrative Essay: A Summer Night In Las Vegas

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One summer night in Las Vegas sitting in my room staring at the white wall the year was 2020 it was pretty late at night it was 8:23 the out of nowhere i thought that we should go on a road trip. My little brother John was like “yea i want to go”. Then John thought that we should invite our cousin’s David, Samantha, and Alana because they have an RV. So then we called, they were like yea sure and i said how about Friday? are you free that day they said no i said OK how about after work we can go and they said yea. By time past it became Friday. At work i was packing all my tools up and i felt chills like chills that you get when someone was breathing on your neck. I looked back quick and there was no one there, i said that was weird. Then…show more content…
I slammed on my breaks and i took a deep breath and i looked back and saw Jorge and then i said what the heck then i looked back out the back of my mustang window and he was gone so i left thinking that was weird. Then i was at the store i walked into the RV David my cousin walked out right when i was about to open the door. I said oh you startled me then David said oh aha sorry i said its OK. Then i asked are you going into the store he said ya i said OK i walked in the RV i said what's up guy’s they said hey. David had already came back John mumbled something and David and my little brother started arguing i took Samantha and Alana out side i asked why are they arguing. Samantha said i can't wait until we get there john said me too and David said sure as Alana was explaining i felt like my stomach was hurting so i said to them let's go into the store Alana got a drink and Samantha got a snack Samantha said thank you and Alana repeated. For some reason i looked over and there was a ghostly figure i told the girls to go inside now they ran

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