Job Opportunities In America

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Do you dream of a better life? In America, there are many job opportunities where you will receive success through hard work and determination. America has been known since the 1930s to have better job opportunities, that's why many families from other countries moved to the United States. This is the The American dream. After so 85 years the American dream is still alive because of the large amount of job opportunities, the growing and expanding businesses, and the much better working conditions in America. In America, there are always job opportunities with new businesses and the demand of labor in factories and other working environments. It would be easy for a motivated and hardworking individual to get a job in America. Many Americans are going to college with the “College for all” statement. Which leaves many of the jobs that do not need much of a education open. These job opportunities are in a high demand, and anyone could easily get the job with having little education. So with little education workers can get a new job because of the many job opportunities that are in America.…show more content…
In America there are many expanding factories and businesses. In Willard Ohio, Pepperidge Farms started a 93 million dollar expansion to their factory which would focus making goldfish and would create 50 more jobs. Proving factory and business growth. In New Jersey within the past 4 years Carlo's Bakery has expanded from one shop and a factory to now 6 bakeries all over America. With businesses growing like Pepperidge Farms and Carlo’s Bakery more jobs are created making more jobs for any citizen or immigrant to America. So with all of the business growth, it creates more jobs for anyone to

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