Humanism In Machiavelli's The Prince

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Machiavelli had a rather unusual view of humans considering his time period. Many people in Italy were humanists, which means most people during the Renaissance were completely against his work The Prince. However, it is evident that people are “ungrateful, fickle, deceptive, and deceiving” especially in Machiavelli’s lifetime. This includes everyone, from regular citizens to government officials. Due to the Italians’ tragic traits, they prospered while having a strong ruler who was feared, not loved. It was ordinary for men to be ungrateful, fickle, deceptive, and deceiving towards their wives. They became all of this through one action: extramarital sex. Prostitutes were proclaimed as necessary in the Renaissance, for married and unmarried men. As a result of cheating on their wives, men became ungrateful for the marriage they already have. Men become fickle because of their inability to decide if they wanted to give their affection to prostitutes or their wives. They were rightfully labeled as deceptive and deceiving because they appear to stay loyal to their…show more content…
Humanists typically loved the classic works of Greek and Roman literature, and Leonardo Bruni used this to his advantage. Bruni was a humanist who was, unlike most humanists of his time, a city chancellor who cared about his Florentine government. He wrote a biography of the classic Roman Cicero, a statesman and a scholar, emphasising on the combination of politics and literature in Cicero’s life. As a result, humanists were inspired by Cicero and many decided to serve the state as government officials such as chancellors, councillors, and advisers. Bruni was deceptive and deceitful by writing this biography. He made it seem like he was writing it just to spread Cicero's story; however, Bruni was selfishly attempting to manipulate most of florence to desire to become a

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