Olaudah Equiano Analysis

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Equiano, in his biography, is a cry to people who are maybe unsure of slavery and its affect or even possibly the government of Britain. This is made apparent in his final paragraph of Chapter two. He even explicitly address his intended audience as “O, ye nominal Christians!” Knowing this was his target audience, Equiano might have been a little more descriptive or dramatic with his details. Instead of describing his boat ride over to the island Barbados as a horrible experience he goes into extreme detail of the actual conditions in which the slaves were kept. For example in paragraph twenty, Equiano says that he “received such a salutation in my nostrils as I had never experienced in my life: so that with the loathsomeness of the stench, and crying together, I became so sick.” This paints a very explicit image (or smell) in the readers head. He was trying to use as descriptive of details as possible to tear at the emotions of his readers. Olaudah Equiano argues against slavery in that it is not only the act of slavery but the cruelties in which slaves have to endure. He says that not only the tearing apart slaves for their home lands, friends, and family but the emotional hardships in which they have to endure are horrible. In his own personal experiences…show more content…
He very explicitly describes the stench and how he became sick that he was not able to eat. Hourly floggings were the punishment for not eating. He talked about struggling with depression and how many slaves tried to commit suicide by jumping off the edge of the boat. If a slave was unsuccessful he was flogged. Slaves were kept so close together that one could not roll over or move. Equiano even goes as far to say one man was beaten so severely he dies due to the injuries and then gets thrown overboard “as they would have done a brute” (paragraph

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