Of Mice And Men Theme Analysis

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Of Mice and Men' is set in California in the 1930s amid the Great Depression. This was a time of enormous monetary decay and delayed high unemployment that constrained laborers to move west looking for work. The wealth of men like George and Lennie, however for the most part voyaging alone, went from farm to farm on short-term, partially paid contracts, continuing brutal conditions. Despite the fact that they were a piece of the indifferent, transient laborers, Steinbeck recognizes George Milton as having a decent working learning of cultivating and farming and being keen and sharp. This offers weight to the fantasy he imparts to the youngster like Lennie Small of one day owning a homestead. In the novel Of mice and men, there are many example…show more content…
Out of every one of the three of these characters, Lennie is seemingly the most influenced by this subject. Since Lennie is mentally disabled, a large portion of his considerations is about his fantasy. All he needs is to claim his own particular little house on a little ranch, so he can tend to his rabbits and his greenhouse. His fixation on little delicate things makes this fantasy one of the main things that he considers. Indeed, even George gets tired of Lennie before long in light of the fact that the main thing he discusses is his fantasy about rabbits. George out of displeasure says to Lennie“The hell with the rabbits. That's all you ever can remember is them rabbits” (Steinbeck 10).This shows how fixated Lennie is with his fantasy and the amount he needs it. Additionally, a portion of why Lennie listens to George so much is on account of he imagines that George is the individual that will have the capacity to get that going for him. In some capacity, Lennie comprehends that he needs George to lead him and help him make this fantasy conceivable. Lennie even gets frightened when Crooks tries to persuade him that George has gone out and spent the majority of their cash and won't return. Lennie understands that without George, he couldn't perform any of the things that he needs to, similar to his fantasy to tend to rabbits. He gets truly anxious when he is told this. Lennie listens to George so much since he conceives that George will make his blessing from

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