George And Lennie's Relationship

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introduction Hello my name is Lachlan Holstein and today I will be discussing the intriguing character of Lennie from John Steinbeck’s classic, Of Mice and Men. Lennie is essentially on a journey to find his sanctuary in a society that does not tolerate people who are seen to be different. Point 1 plot summary Before I delve too deeply into the journey of Lennie, I’m going to give you a quick overview of the plot of John Steinbeck’s novel. Of Mice and Men is about two migrant workers in the time of the Great depression, George the small shrewd man and big simple minded Lennie who has hopes of working on a ranch so that George and Lennie can get a place of their own but Lennie is ostracized from society because of his mental condition and…show more content…
//////////////////////////////////// Lennie, Candy and Crooks developed a friendship over their mutual agreement and dream of buying their own property and living off the land /////////////////////////////////// While Lennie had some positive relationships the majority of them were negative because of society’s unwillingness to accept Lennie, Lennie and Curley's relationship represents the time period perfectly, and Curley is the antagonist of the novel and a perfect representation of Lennie's struggles to fit into the great depression. Curley is a typical character that has hardened to the time…show more content…
On the outside Lennie is a large intimidating brute but his personality does not match his complex. Unfortunately Lennie is one of the many that suffered from a mental illness in the great depression, Lennie is not a very dynamic character as he stays the same from the start of the novel and never goes through a dramatic change at all throughout the novel. John Steinbeck's Flat character know as Lennie gives the reader a glimpse into the world of the intellectually disabled and helps the reader understand what it would have been like to have lived in the great depression with the added pressure of persistently struggling and being unable to grasp the concept of right and
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