Itc Hotel Case Study

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ITC Forayed into the Hotels business to bolster the national need of growing new parkways of outside trade income and boosting tourism. Starting with the Sheraton Chola, Chennai in 1975, ITC's voyage in this business has reclassified the substance of Indian neighborliness. Today, ITC Hotels is one of biggest inn networks in the Country with more than 100 inns crosswise over 70 destinations. Symbolized by its unmistakable "Namaste" logo, ITC Hotels coordinated India's fine custom of neighborliness with internationally benchmarked administrations. With a series of firsts amazingly, ITC Hotels spearheaded the ideas of marked convenience, marked food, environment and visitor security. ITC Hotels is a model in practical neighborliness with all…show more content…
The trusteeship part identified with social and ecological assets, adjusted to the quest for monetary goals, is the foundation of its Environment, Health and Safety logic for which it has won numerous honors and awards. At any ITC Hotel you will locate a genuine impression of society and ethos of every destination and One Common Legacy – Warmth ITC VISION: Sustain ITC's position as one of India's most valuable corporations through world class performance, creating growing value for the Indian economy and the Company's stakeholders. • Wow at every moment of truth • A commitment beyond the market • Fulfillment of the society needed ITC MISSION: To enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalizing environment, delivering superior and sustainable stakeholder value. • No compromise with the quality at any cost • To be the best brand in the hotel industries • Promote the nature • To provide the best services to the customer CORE VALUES: • ENTERPRISES EXIST TO SERVE THE SOCIETY • TEAM WORK • BEING ETHICAL • INTEGRITY •…show more content…
ITC Hotels has a long standing tie-up with Starwood Hotels for its top notch premium brand, the 'Extravagance Collection' for eleven of its inns as additionally with the "Sheraton" brand for 1 of its lodgings. 1. ITC hotel-Luxury collection: They are super deluxe and premium hotels located at strategic business and leisure locations. The relationship of ITC Hotels and The Luxury Collection shows an extraordinary arrangement of lodgings in a bundle of enhancing encounters that praise the soul and particular character of every destination. Eleven outstanding lodgings present to you the compositional magnificence of antiquated lines and the social ethos of various districts of the Indian promontory. 2. ITC welcome group sherton hotels: They offer warm comforting services to the global traveler and a chance to connect. Synonymous with client centricity and effectiveness, a flawless ITC Hotels have been adjusted under the famous Sheraton brand, offering warm, consoling administrations to the worldwide explorer. Intended to oblige the observing business and relaxation explorer offering five-star friendliness, WelcomHotels are a shelter for customized administrations that make each visit

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