Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Analysis

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Everyone wants to feel support from the ones they love, even if it's the smallest amount of support. Everyone has dreams that may or may not be realistic, but most everyone believes they can one day achieve them. It's important that people support one another on their seemingly impossible dream, no one should give up on his or her dreams. In John Steinbeck's, Of Mice and Men, Curley's wife, the spouse of the ranch boss, has feelings of loneliness, and like her dream of becoming an actor have no value. In this quote all the workers from the ranch are lying to her because they don't think she is smart enough to handle what really happened to her husband’s hand. She then proceeds to say, "Whatta ya think I am, a kid? I tell ya I could of went with the shows. Not jus' one, neither. An' a guy tol' me he could put me in the pitchers..." (Steinbeck 78). The author expresses that Curley's wife feels like no one appreciates the works that she has done to almost achieving her…show more content…
As time went on and the four weeks came closer to an end all my muscles hurt, I had an injured knee and shoulder, and boy I was ready to quit. Everyone was improving and learning more and more about the sport everyday, but I didn’t think I was. The parent showcase was on the last day of camp and I was not looking forward to it. My age group had learned three jazz routines and two variations (a short classic ballet piece), they were all very difficult. I didn’t think I was prepared, I had missed a day due to injury and I couldn't take the eminent embarrassment. I got up on the amphitheater stage and immediately saw my family sitting in the front row. At that exact moment I realized that they didn't care if I messed up or fell in my triple pirouette, they probably couldn't even recognize my mistakes like I could, no one
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