Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Analysis

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The author ‘of mice of men’ tends to base his novels on particular times where people are having difficulties economically while working, consequently making the narrative voice dismiss a negative attitude towards the characters. Steinbeck tries to create a vision from his books to depict how life would be like during these hard times as he himself experienced working on a ranch first hand when he was 19. The isolation that distances crooks and Curly from the others are highlighted because of their differences amongst others. Which therefore emphasising the effect of the Great depression in his famous novella the mice of men by portraying the character’s lives in a negative way and the showing the only hope in their lives are the continuous…show more content…
Her character is seen as a property to be exact curley’s property as Steinbeck is expressing her identity through someone else. The significance of women around this time comes to show they were plainly perceived to be there as a sexual object and manning the house. In the novella, the author wanted to influence the readers to visualise her character from the opinions of others like Candy as he introduced her to George and Lennie and says “I seen her give slim the eye “. Curley’s wife is then been called a tart straight after that by George which shows that a characters view was completely judged without even meeting or understanding her. John Steinbeck creates a cynical atmosphere when her charater is being introduced hence foreshadowing that Lennie will have issue with her. Firstly George warns Lennie about getting into bad situations, as past experiences have lead to fleeing the country, the circumstance in Weed where Lennie did something wrong it involved a women well it just to happens that Curleys wife is the only women on the ranch. Another connecting idea that foreshadows the death of Curley’s wife was the scene, where there was an imitation of the death of a mouse that Lennie kills right before he sees Curley’s wife with a suitcase. The suitcase symbolising departure, Curley’s wife exchange her thoughts on her life with Lennie, where she says,” I get lonely I tell you I ain’t used to livin’ like this. I coulda made somethin’ of myself”, explicit dialogue to convey her feelings about life, she was finally given a chance to talk to someone about her dream in life just before her life ended. Steinbeck wrote “.. the meaness and the plannings of the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face”, clarifying that the character looks a lot happier when she
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