Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Loneliness Analysis

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John Steinbeck has brought the feeling of loneliness in a few of the characters in Of Mice and Men. Curley’s wife, Crooks, and Candy all have one common characteristic: loneliness. They each have something about them to be isolated from others. Curley’s wife is the only women, Crooks is the only black man, and Candy is handicapped. One character that is lonely is Curley’s wife. She is one character that I think is overlooked because she is so flirtatious and no one would think that she is lonely. She is married to Curley, but he does not talk to her much. She also realizes that she no longer likes Curley, but feels she is stuck. When he does speak to her, he is usually complaining. Curley also does not like when she is talking to the other men on the ranch and since there are no other women, she is left with nobody. All the men in the bunkhouse are afraid to talk to her because Curley is very possessive of her and the men do not want to get in trouble. One day, she walked into the barn and talked to Lennie. She was talking and said ‘“I get lonely,” she said. “You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but…show more content…
He was the only black man on the ranch and because of that he had to sleep in the barn by himself. He was not allowed in the bunkhouse with the other men. He also has a back problem. He was always excluded from activities with the other men, for example, playing cards. He told Lennie that all he does is read all day, but he says that books are not enough. He said “A guy needs somebody – to be around him.” When Lennie does visit him, he lashes out at him. I think that it was because he had been isolated and excluded for so long, that he is skeptical of any friendliness. I believe that Crooks loneliness is different than the other two characters because he is completely isolated and alone. Whereas, Curley's’ wife has him Curley to talk to and be around, even though she does not like

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