Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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In addition, the environment and events of a patient may help in the cause of OCD. For example, a common assumption of OCD is that the patient brings the disorder on themselves. That the patient is lazy, has no willpower, or has a lack of parenting. None of these can cause OCD: they only cause putting blame on the patient who is dealing with OCD ("Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Family and Friends - Better Health Channel"). The only issues family can cause is worsening through criticism ("OCD Is a Treatable Medical Condition"). Also, the living conditions of a person can help him/her experience OCD. A living environment that causes stress and has constant commotion can cause a person with OCD to show his/her symptoms. He/she will begin to have…show more content…
Everyday a patient with OCD deals multiple difficulties in his/her daily life. For instance, someone with OCD may have complications with recognizing or expressing feelings, being able to react in an appropriate manner, lack of ideas and problem-solving skills, becoming over aggressive, assembling relationships, and a sense of comfort ("Recognizing OCD at School"). All of these complications along with compulsions can take up a substantial amount of the patient’s life. Trying to get rid of the obsession or urge can start to consume the patient's life, and if he/she tries to ignore the issue it may cause more stress on the patient ("OCD Symptoms and Effects"). Someone dealing with this tends to have bad interpersonal relationships, social impairment, avoidance of situations, substance abuse, bald spots, and occupational impairment ("OCD Causes, Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects") Along with occupational impairment, children with OCD may be inclined to more issues in school. Completion of an assignments can take up the whole day. The child is either too focused on urges or focuses on completing the assignment to perfection for the entire day (Walters). Embarrassment, withdrawal, bullying, and fear of participation are common in children at school ("Recognizing OCD at School"). Also, the amount of strain in a relationship increases. The person involved has to be understand and be willing to help out. This can start to interrupt…show more content…
For example, types of therapy are improving OCD greatly. Exposure and Response prevention is a type of therapy that exposes patients to a fear and makes them respond without performing a compulsion. A patient will start with a therapist and gradually learn to handle their response on their own ("Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)". This type of therapy is a cognitive behavior therapy in an outpatient setting. This is the most common type of therapy, but if a patient's OCD is severe there are other options. A day program with individual and group therapy at a treatment center is the next step up, if conditions do not improve then they can go to a mental health hospital for partial hospitalization. This is almost the same as day program, just at a higher medical institute. A patient can also live in an open treatment center or be in an inpatient therapy. Inpatient is a closed hospitalization that may be involuntary. Many patients transition to a lower treatment after inpatient. Patients are still suggested to go to a support group once conditions improve ("How Is OCD Treated?") Also, medicines are commonly used. Medicines take awhile to help and can come with many side effects. Side effects may include: upset stomachs, issues with sleep, sweating, reduced interest, and an increasement of suicidal thoughts. Patients are instructed to talk to his/her doctor to see if the medicine he/she is on may react with
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