Object Relation Theory

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In the film Front of the Class, Brad Cohen had been diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome at a young age which impacted him in many avenues of his life. Many believed it would drastically deter Brad from reaching his life long goal of becoming a teacher. However, Brad proved to be resilient and refused to let his disorder get in his way (Gottlieb & Werner, 2008). Application of object relations As previously discussed, object relations theory focuses a lot on primal relationships in a persons life, and explains how these are the most meaningful to an individuals future views towards their own self, and towards others, as well as their behaviors. Applying object relations theory to the film Front of the Class, Brad did not have a strong relationship…show more content…
General systems theory looks at systems that are connected to the individual. Brad is linked to many systems in the film, Front of the Class. In Brad’s childhood years he is connected to his school system, his family system, and the Tourette’s community. As mentioned previously, systems are interrelated parts that form together to make a whole. All of the systems that Brad was a part of when he was a child helped to form the person he became as an adult. As an adult, Brad’s systems changed slightly, he was no longer part of his childhood school system, but did become part of a new school system where he was teaching, he was still indirectly part of the Tourette’s community, he still had his family system, and he became involved in a romantic relationship in which that was a system that was part of who Brad was. All of these parts blended together to form the individual Brad became. Recalling that systems theory studies the many variables, whether they are social, physiological, or physical (Greene,…show more content…
In the 1980’s, general systems theory began to loose its popularity, and it was thought that ecological perspective was going to replace it, but theorists suggested that systems theory continued to play an important role in indentifying human behavior (Greene, 2005). However utilizing general systems theory in combination with the ecological perspective to further define the level of the system would be valuable in understanding and analyzing a person’s behavior. The ecological perspective looks to examine the person in their environment. At the micro level, when Brad was a child, his direct in-person interactions were with his family/home life and his school, and classmates. An example of the mesosystem was when Brad’s mother and the school interacted each time he would get in trouble for allegedly interrupting the class due to his uncontrolled tics and noises. The meso level parts are simply the pieces of the microsystem interacting amongst each other, not directly with the individual, but those interactions will have an indirect impact on the person. In Brad’s case, when his mother and the school interacted, it was typically when he was in trouble, though his mother would often stand up for his condition. Applying the exosystem to Brad’s life, an example could be his
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