Nursing Metaparadigm Paper

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Nursing Metaparadigm Mindmap Dana Walker Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Metaparadigm is defined as the global concepts that identify the phenomenon of central interest to a discipline (Fawcett 2005). Nursing Paradigms are models that demonstrate correlation between the existing theoretical works in nursing. There are four major elements that make up the Nursing Metaparadigm. Those elements are person, health, environment and nursing. Neuman’s model discusses stress, the body’s reaction to stress and how that reaction alters the client’s wellness. This paper will address Neuman’s theory as it relates to the four elements. Person Neuman describes the person as a “total person” and as an “open system”. This person is multidimensional…show more content…
Health is equated with wellness. According to Neuman, “Wellness is the condition in which all system parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole system of the client. Illness is a state of insufficiency with disrupting needs unsatisfied (Neuman, 2007). Therefore, according to Neuman, the more energy within the person, the more well the person. The client system moves toward illness and death when more energy is needed than is available. The client system moved toward wellness when more energy is available than is needed (Current Nursing, 2012).. In the diagram, it shows that a person’s energy level fluctuates throughout life from birth until death. Stressors have the potential to disrupt…show more content…
Nurse should see the person as a whole and therefore address the whole person. According to Neuman, retaining and attaining stability in the client system to reduce stressors is the most important goal of nursing (Neuman, 1989). As illustrated on the mind map, Neuman saw the nursing process in 3 stages: nursing diagnosis, nursing goals and nursing outcomes. Neuman places the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions as the latter portion of diagnosis. Primary interventions are used when the client’s system has not yet reacted to a stressor. An example is immunizing clients. Secondary interventions are used after the client has reacted to a stress and the goal is to prevent damage to the client. Tertiary interventions are used after the client has symptoms caused by the stressor. The goal here is to help the client manage the effects of the stressor. The nurse and the client develop goals together. Neuman emphasized that the client be involved in their care. Outcomes will reflect the effectiveness of the interventions and thus will guide reevaluation of the nursing

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