Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1

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Formally, ${G = (N,E)}$ represent a network using a graph directed or not, where $N \neq \emptyset$ and $E$ are sets of pairs, sorted or not, of elements from $N$. The nodes of graph $G$ are the elements in $N \equiv \{n_{1}, n_{2},\ldots , n_{x}\}$. The edges are the elements in $E \equiv \{e_{1}, e_{2},\ldots , e_{y}\}$ \cite{bollobas1998random}. \par One mode networks are networks that contain nodes of a single type, such as nodes that represent users. Two mode networks contain nodes of two or more types, such as nodes that represent users and websites \cite{wasserman1994social}. An example of a network that represents user connections to 15 internet websites used in this work, is shown in the Figure \ref{fig:RedeAcessos}. With nodes representing users connected to nodes representing visited websites, the resulting graph is a bipartite directional graph. The network is heterogeneous, thus it is a two mode network, to which we applied a graph structure formatting algorithm \textit{Force Atlas 3D} \cite{jacomy2014forceatlas2}. \par…show more content…
Users with similar accesses form groupings. These users have a greater probability of communicating and constituting a social network then no groupings users \cite{breiger1997duality}

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