Non-Violent Protest In The Civil Rights Movement

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Every successful movement has a few things in common. There is a central idea or core belief that all of the members of a particular group of people believe. For example, the book Why We Can’t Wait, it recalls the actions of Martin Luther King Jr., as well as other protester during the Montgomery Campaign; they all had the goal of helping end segregation and other racial discriminatory practices in Montgomery, Alabama. During this time, and throughout his life, heavily influenced by Gandhi, Martin Luther King practiced and taught the importance of non-violent protest. In the words of Dr. King, “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it” (16). However, during the Montgomery Campaign, there were people who differ in the way they would have approached it; this can be seen not only in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, but as well as other movements throughout time. For instance, the followers of Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. had two extremely different ways to improving the condition of African-Americans in society; the followers of Dr. King practiced non-violence while Malcom X’s followers followed the philosophy of any means necessary. Nevertheless, in…show more content…
Realizing this, Dr. King preached inclusion; he did not care what care you were, how old you are, etc. Because of this, the Montgomery Campaign, as well as other campaigns Dr. King led were successful. The Montgomery Campaign was going to fail because of all the adults were locked up in jail. However, because Dr. King engaged the young, the children took up the flag of equality and keep marching it forward—why protestors were able to take down the “the most segregated city in America” (49). In addition to this, Dr. King’s dream came true “The city of Birmingham discovered a conscience”
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