Nigerian Police Force Case Study

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What the Nigerian Police Force could do to help officers balance their work and family life as suggested by respondents The following are suggestions proposed by the respondents on how the Nigerian Police Force could help officers balance work and family life. This was an open ended question; all the suggestions have been grouped and summarized as follows; • Better welfare packages should be provided for all members. • Better transportation should be made available. • Facilities and equipments needed to carry out proper policing should be provided. • The NPF should allow officers to further their education. • The NPF should reduce the hours and days of work each week. • The NPF should give enough incentives and time to spend with family. • The work load should be reduced. 4.7 Discussion of Findings This study provides insights into the WLB practices of the NPF. Evidence from this study revealed that 37.1% of the respondents identified Job Sharing, 23.8% indicated Family Leave, 9.3% indicated Breaks from work, 13.9% indicated…show more content…
Findings on the effects in-balance Work-Life practices have on officers of the NPF while at work indicate that 24.2% respondents they fell Tiredness while on duty, 13.3% respondents indicated that they feel uncommitted to the job, 14.2% respondents indicated that they have no time to relax. This study found out based on the effects in-balance Work-Life practices have on officers of the NPF while at home that 37.5% respondents indicated “Not having enough time to spend with family”, 8.3% respondents indicated that “Not having enough time to perform home duties”, 8(6.7%) respondents indicated “Stress and tiredness”. This further confirms the studies by Bond (2009), Hochschild (2007) and Okeke (2011) about the health and work performances of respondents in their

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