Nietzsche's Views On The Creation Of The World

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Fredrich Nietzsche believes in the artistic beauty within the world’s creation and its evolution into our present world. When identifying Nietzsche’s views of the world it is essential to interpret his understanding in the creation of the world as an “aesthetic process […] [in which] nature is an artist” (INTRO, 1-2). Aesthetics include the aspects of nature and beauty and their connection to artistic elements. Nietzsche is able to identify these aspects of the Apollonian and Dionysian worlds to intensify their artistic relation to life. He believes that these two “energies […] satisfy nature’s art impulses in the most immediate and direct way” (Nietzsche, 3). One single view alone is not enough to fully comprehend how the world came to be.…show more content…
These two very different forms of art come together in nature and express the qualities of the world in which we live in. A unification of the Apollonian dreamworld and the Dionysian intoxication is attainable when trying to identify the beautiful seeming. The seeming is known as the appearance or the veiling of the world. The beautiful seeming refers to the artistic creation of the world in which “an intermediary […] between beauty and truth […] is possible” (Nietzsche, 45). It it through the myth of the battle between Apollo and Dionysus that their unification is identifiable. The battle allowed both gods to emerge as victors to come together as “a reconciliation upon the field of battle” (Nietzsche, 33). These once opposing views come together in Nietzsche’s vision of the world. The artistic elements of Apollo come together with the reality and intoxication of Dionysus where “the more powerful the Apollonian artistic spirit now grew, the more freely did Dionysus […] develop” (Nietzsche, 33). These intertwined elements are what created tragedy and tragic myth.

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