Nicki Minaj Research Paper

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While I find hip-hop poetic, expressive and attractive in some ways, its modern expressions of sexist and offensive attitudes push me away. Some artists rely on the musical arrangements to mask nasty lyrics that carry a message full of hate and disrespect. These artists have contributed to creating a disturbingly negative image of women that permeates the hip-hop scene and persists far beyond it. The wide majority of these artists are men. However, there are bizarre exceptions. One of such bizarre exceptions is Nicki Minaj. Her rap music, while catchy, is filled with imagery of a woman as a dehumanized Barbie toy, a sex object, and a zombie-shopaholic. She is an American rapper who started receiving public notice after releasing three mixtapes between 2007 and 2009, in which she often chimes in with sexual references in a two-year-old voice. She signed a recording contract with the famous Young Money Entertainment in 2009, founded by one of the most disliked and self-centered rappers, Lil Wayne. His recording studio and many others in this genre, like Nicki Minaj, popularize misogyny in all its forms, ranging from casual putdowns of women as sex-toys…show more content…
In her case, Nicki Minaj is not taking any real steps to break down those stereotypes and to set an example for women. Instead of emphasizing her vocal talents, she chooses to wear bra tops and underwear that emphasize her body and her sexuality. Nicki Minaj is an example of a post-modern feminist and she expresses a sex-positive ideology. Sex-positivity encourages women to take their sexuality in their own hands and to equalize the sexual playing field. By dressing in an overtly sexual manner, it could be interpreted that Nicki Minaj is encouraging fans to do the same and to take control of their own sexuality, but it is hard to portray a positive message when you consider the lyrics behind her

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