Psychophamacology Limitations

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There is a growing challenge for mental health counselors and understanding the limitations or potential benefits of different medications. Medications are prescribed to have an effect on the client’s behaviors and cognitive functioning. Mental health counselors are trained on how psychotropic medications can benefit clients and help aide as a collaborative approach to treating clients. The following pages will discuss Psychopharmacology and the impacts of how it affects or aides mental health counselors. Recommending or Prescribing Medication There are limitations on what mental health counselors can say and do when concerning a client’s medication. A mental health counselor has no legal decision on dispensing, prescribing, or administrating…show more content…
However; legally as a mental health counselor one cannot prescribe any type of medication. A well trained and ethical counselor can recognize the need for medication and will then recommend the client to visit the appropriate physician who can write the correct dosage and how to administer the medication. According to the code of ethics, a mental health counselor can only use techniques and provide services in which they are qualified (ACA, 2010). To prevent any legal issues it is important for the counselors to avoid suggesting timings, dosage, and other ideas that can potentially hinder the effectiveness of medications. Ethical Limitation Mental health counselors that are practicing at a master’s degree level typically do not have the essential training and knowledge to recommend medications. Due to the counselor’s comprehensive understanding of the client’s circumstances, the professional can benefit with the counselor’s assistance when prescribing (King & Anderson, 2004). There are a number of ethical limitations when prescribing medications. The ACA notes that, “professional competence is a core principal in the codes of ethics and the standards for practice of various helping professions” (ACA,…show more content…
The role of a counselor and client medications is to maintain a balance of understanding and use caution in application. The mental health counselor should provide a client with necessary information and maintain an open discussion concerning certain specifics to the client’s overall treatment and monitor the side effects. There will be times when the prescribing profession may not fully explain the medication to the client and leave this to the counselor to help them understand. An example of this could be, if a client comes to the counselor with concerns of troubling side effects, there is a chance the client will contact the counselor with their concerns or

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