Phosphorylase Affected By Salivary Enzyme Concentration

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Enzymes: Salivary Amylase and Phosphorylase – How are the directions of enzyme reaction affected by substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration Introduction Enzymes are biological catalysts made up of proteins, and they are used as an intermediate in chemical reactions without it, itself being used up. In this lab we are used two specific enzymes: salivary amylase and phorphorylase. Salivary amylase is a digestive enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of starch into sugars. It does so by breaking off maltose molecules from the end of starch chains (Hori, 1969). Phosphorylase is an enzyme that ruptures glucose-glucose bonds in starch by digesting phosphoric acid, thus it uses phosphorolysis and not hydrolysis (Alberts, 2010). With these two enzymes the purpose of this lab is to determine what the effects of substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration are on the direction of enzyme reactions. Two tests were used to help determine the relationships between those variables which was the Iodine and Benedict’s Test. The…show more content…
(Refer to Table 1.2 and Figure 1.1). All the test tubes contain the same amount of starch suspension and McIlvaine’s buffer while the concentrations of salivary amylase differs. As seen in the graph, the larger the concentration of salivary amylase, it takes less time for salivary amylase to break down the starch as shown through the iodine test. However, it requires more time for lower concentrations of salivary amylase to do the same job. In this portion, the 0% salivary amylase concentration was the positive control variable because it only contained water and 1% starch solution. These results were expected because it is known that with more enzyme concentration, the enzymes would work faster (Alberts 2010), and in this cause the salivary enzyme would brake down the starch faster within shorter time

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