Narrative Essay About My Dream Love

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Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, it rained a lot; some days it was just a constant drizzle all day long. On days like that, it’s nice to bundle up in a big soft blanket in front of a warm cozy fireplace with a cup of hot apple cider, cuddled up with my love. The northwest rain doesn’t stop us from doing anything because it rains most of the time. So, when you’re in Seattle and want to go listen to some amazing jazz and it’s drizzling outside; bundle up and head out to Jazz Alley, one of my family’s favorite spots. Oh, and make sure you buy one of the bands cd’s before you leave if you like their music. What to wear in the rain? A hot, red pair of boots, a sexy lil outfit, a warm coat, and grab a matching umbrella and go! After the concert and you’re…show more content…
And I drift into to a peaceful sleep, listening to the Northwest rain. My Dream Love You make me laugh, you hold my hand You protect me from outside forces You desire only me You tell me when I’m making bad choices in a non-threatening way, and I hear you because I respect your opinion You tell me you love me with your actions, not just lip service, and I accept it because love is an action word Thank you for being secure enough to say, “I’m sorry” When we’re together it feels natural and we practice effectively communicating so we don’t misinterpret one anothers words We know one another’s love language and work at giving one another what the other needs and desires We take long scenic rides together and plan mini-vacations to keep things spicy When I go through or you go through, we go through it together I don’t fear being transparent with you because I know you have my best interest at heart and I can be vulnerable in your presence You love God and understand that life is about serving others You are inwardly healed, settled, and ready to consider an exclusive

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