Gas Gangrene Case Study

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Clinical study of Gas Gangrene Patients presented in DHQ Hospital, Rawalpinidi, Pakistan Qamer un Nisa(137) , Kiran Sughra(102), Maria Muqadus(192), Sara almas(136) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Abstract: Gas Gangreneis a potentially deadly form of tissue death.The Clostridium species C.perfringens , C.septicum and C.histolyticum are the principal causative agent of the trauma associated gas gangrene and their incidence increases dramatically in times of war, hurricanes , earthquakes and other mass casualty condition. We report the case of 55 year old Asian lady experiencing fever, pain and swelling in left foot. Various laboratory test including complete blood count test were conducted that lead…show more content…
Gas Gangrene, also known as clostridial myonecrosis , is a fast spreading and life threatening[1]. Gas Gangrene is caused by bacteria clostridium perfringens (C.perfringens). It is also caused by group A Streptococcus , Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio vulnificus[2]. C.perfringens mainly affects the arms and legs. Symptoms include air under the skin , pain , swelling , pale skin that contain gray , brownish red , or black , blisters with foul smelling discharge , fever and increased heart rate vomiting. Gas gangrene is found everywhere. Persons most at risk of Gas Gangrene usually have blood vessel disease , diabetes or colon…show more content…
Her wound got worse gradually day by day, because she was also a diabetic patient. Doctor should have given antibiotics to control the growth of bacteria which caused gas gangrene. According to recent studies it has proven that most likely causative agents of gas gangrene were Clostridium perfrigens, Clostridium septicum and Clostridium histolyticum. So, antibiotics were mainly used for the treatment of the infection and in this case the prescribed antibiotic was Ecasil. Doctor also prescribed her Sangobion to recover from the weakness and deficiency of vitamins. Doctor should have performed a physical examination to diagnose this condition. Diagnostic testing may include, fluid, blood and tissue cultures to test for Clostridium perfrigens and other bacteria. Imaging test, sach as an MRI, CT san, or X-rays to check for the presence of gas in

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