Patriarchy In Un Lun Dun's Deeba

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During the early stages of development, children are indoctrinated with specific codes and behaviours in correlation to their prescribed gender. These prescriptions are governed by the gender binary system – a patriarchy-inducing system, in which holds that males and females are separate entities, each with their own physical and psychological characteristics. Authors Ellyn Lem and Holly Hassel observe that this binary is reflected and enforced, “from advertisements that place girls in domestic spheres and boys in outside settings to Happy Meal ‘Tonkas’ for boys and ‘My Little Pony’ for girls, children early on are taught that male and female spheres are separate …” (118). As such, this binary has been reflected in children’s literature, as…show more content…
In the opening chapters of the book, Deeba is contrasted to her friend Zanna, also known as the “Shwazzy” who seems to conform to traditional feminine beauty standards while Deeba is described as “shorter and rounder and messier than her skinny friend” (7). They also differ in personality, as unlike Zanna, Deeba is unapologetically witty, sarcastic, outspoken, and strong-minded. However, she is not your conventional hero like that of Katniss. In fact, throughout the novel she is regarded by Unlondoners as the chosen one’s funny sidekick or the “unchosen one” (329). Ironically, Deeba becomes the hero of the story because of her unconventionalities. Unlike Zanna, she continuously questions and challenges Unlondon’s ways. At times she even argues with Unlondoner’s who blindly accept the hero prophecy or those who won’t accept the bad intentions of Benjamin Unstible. This is in agreement Joe Sanders’…show more content…
In The Hunger Games, Collins makes her intentions for the contesting of gender roles quite clear in her constructions of Katniss and love interest Peeta Mellark. As noted, Katniss embodies more “masculine qualities” whereas Peeta embodies many qualities that can be attributed to femininity. These kinds of “feminine characteristics” are listed in Lem and Hassel’s paper and reflect much of Peeta’s personality: characteristics such as “cooperation, mutuality, sharing, compassion, caring, vulnerability, a readiness to negotiate and compromise, emotional expressiveness, and intuitive and other nonlinear ways of thinking” (122). All of these qualities are demonstrated in Peeta’s interactions with other characters and in his affections toward Katniss. And while it is unclear whether Katniss has true feelings for Peeta (and whether or not she is simply using their relationship to survive), Peeta’s feelings are shown to be genuine. While Katniss has her bow and arrow as a survival skill, Peeta’s survival skills play on his creative hobbies (such as painting and baking), and these skills aren’t portrayed to be a weakness. This construction of Peeta fuctions in much the same ways as the construction of Katniss: he is enabled to become a more realistic and relatable character due to these

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