Narrative Essay: A Happy Life

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Frustrated, bored and uncomfortable. Walking through the crowds of people along the riverbank was the last place I wanted to be right now but I had made a promise to Jen that I would make the most of it. We had left our three children with a babysitter and decided to ring in the new year along with thousands of others in the city to watch the fireworks. Jen and I had been married for almost 10 years and were still madly in love but our lives had flatlined a little in the excitement stakes since the children came along. Not that I regret that decision but still. We made our way to one of the busy makeshift bars along the promenade with another couple that I had attended high school with, Michael and Beth. Jen had also attended the same school…show more content…
“Nice one. What should we toast to?” Beth eagerly replied, a little tipsy herself but why not. “To a happy life” Jen…show more content…
We decided to get one more drink and move closer to the water for better viewing of the fireworks. All around us were young couples, old couples, singles, friends and families. All from different religions and races, all gathered here together to watch this firework display, a celebration of one year ending and a new beginning. Without warning, a crackle over a PA somewhere behind us and then it began. The countdown, 10, 9, 8, Jen and I hadn’t even had time to talk about what we were going to do at midnight, 7, 6, 5, the last few new year’s eve celebrations we had watched in the comfort of our lounge chairs, given each other a peck and then tiredly hopped into bed. 4, 3, I nervously looked around at what Michael and Beth were going to do and they were already locked eye to eye ready, 2, 1, Before I could even make the decision Jen had wrapped her arms around my neck and was giving me the most passionate kiss we had had in a long time. It seemed to go on forever in the best way possible and for a moment I had forgotten about the thousands of people all around
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