Importance Of Worship Essay

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Worship the Pattern of Things in Heaven Worship is a relationship between you and God the Father. In the bible David, who is the prophet King of Israel, was a man who model worship. He was a man after God’s own heart through his worship. The priority of worship is not the slow songs that the choir sings, worship is not the amount of money you place in the offering basket, worship is not volunteering for the many duties of today’s church. Although, these may be some of the acts in expressing worship, but they do not define what true worship really is. Worship is a relationship between you and the creator, offered unto Him out of sacrifice. The sacrifice is depositing unto Him your time, just as though it was a well picked sacrificial lamb ready to be slain on a hot blazing altar. We should give to worship as much attention we give to other areas of our lives. We need to learn the art of sacrifice and discipline in worship. Worship is to honor with an extravagant “love” and “extreme submission” (Webster's Dictionary. God is calling for His true worshippers to worship Him in spirit and truth. God what’s His people to love Him with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength (Luke 10:26). The true worshipper is devoted to the task of…show more content…
David’s seeds were seeds unto God the father of obedience, worship and praise. The new sacrifices of David pioneered in the fields, the cave, into the new tabernacle where his son had built and several generations later after the abandoned temple was repaired and readily to become re-energized with worship. This is a look on how God wants to re-build the human temples to offer a new sacrifice of worship to Him. He has given us the pattern of things in heaven for us to use to press into the higher levels of the inner self. We just need to self-evaluate and remove all hindrances that easily distracts us from the presence
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