Indigenous People In Australia

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The roots of man on the continent of Australia that are thousands of years old. The indigenous peoples, whom the aborigines say dated back to the beginning of time, were the first inhabitants. However, it was the British who are ultimately known for bringing about the actual settlement of Australia. At first, there was resistance to the British from the aborigines. The failure of the aborigines to initially embrace the British ways led to conflicts between the two peoples. Even with the conflicts, there was an innate curiosity by the aborigines regarding european goods, and their way of life. Eventually, the demand for those goods, brought about the adaptation to European language and lifestyles, and inherently, the familiarisation into…show more content…
As the settlers began to adventure into the aborigines’ land, there was not much problems, they would just bypass the strangers, as long as they did the same. Then the settlers began to extend their territories, the aborigines started to dread the settlers for the fear of losing their land. “The wider lens compels us to consider how vast the Australian continent is, and how tiny, isolated, and tenuous the first British settlements were, even as the settlers used force to take land from the Aborigines.” Aboriginals attempted to build a peaceful resistance against the foreign settlers, in hope that they would find land elsewhere. The settlers continued to push the natives out of their land, and cause them to become angier, which later caused them to resort to violence to assist themselves, with hope of keeping their lands and ridding themselves from the…show more content…
They wanted to incorporate English knowledge into their own lives. The aboriginals began to learn words in english, and adapted to speaking with European settlers. Both the aboriginals and the Europeans improved the technology around them, but the aborigines gain much needed knowledge on agricultural processes. There was relationships between the aboriginal women and the european men, in treaties or for the men to access the woman family’s land. There was as improvement with the communication between the aboriginal workers and their bosses, they relationships became closer as the aboriginals adapted to the British forms and lifestyles. In contrast to the aboriginals adapting to the British people, the British also had to adapt to Australia. The climate was and is hard to live on, the heat and lack of vegetation in Australia made it hard for the European to survive sometimes. “European immigrant would not have adapted so quickly. … In Australia, the same process of emotional assimilation was slow, even though most of it took place closer to the sea then the dry interior… the aboriginals, especially those still living in their tribal lands, have a stronger sense than do the European Australians of belonging to the land.” The natives have the small but large advantage over the Europeans. Both sides of the migrated settlement had to adapt to the alterations of the world around

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