Nankana Sahib

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Nankana Sahib is a town of Gurdwaras (Sikh temples), the most important of these being the 'Nanak's Ayan' called Janam Asthan or Birth place of Nanak. Guru Nanak passed his whole childhood and young age in Nankana Sahib. The Janam Asthan Gurdwara Nankana Sahib, originally constructed in around 1600 A.D. was renovated in the year 1819–20 A.D. by Gian-Punjab Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia. Gurudwara Janam Asthan This shrine representing the home of Baba Kalo and Mata Tripta, father and mother respectively of Guru Nanak Dev, where the Guru was born, was established by Baba Dharam Chand (1523-1618) son of Baba Lakhmi Das and grandson of Guru Nanak Dev. The shrine must have been established before the end of the sixteenth century because Guru…show more content…
The work of development of Nankana Sahib Resort to host and entertain local and international visitors is almost complete. Gurudwara Panja Sahib, Hasan Abdal Some 45 km from Rawalpindi on the main G.T road is the Attock District in which Hasan Abdal is a small flourishing town. Hasan Abdal's running waters and springs have always helped it stay as a cultural nucleus in a populous region. The Gurudwara of Panja Sahib at Hasan Abdal is the famous Sikh pilgrimage center and Sikh pilgrims from all over the world flocked here every year in the month of April for the Baisakhi Festival. The temple situated in the center of the town depicts typical Sikh architecture and stands in the middle of a large stone water tank beside the huge stone with the large hand print of Guru Nanak. Gurudwara Dera Sahib Panjvin Patshahi Shrine of Guru Arjan Dev (1563- 1606 A.D) Gurudwara Dera Sahib is situated opposite Lahore Fort near Badshahi Mosque. This is the place where Sat Gur Arjun Dev Ji was martyred in the River Ravi facing the tortures inflicted by Chandu on 30th May 1606…show more content…
Viewers’ judge meaning based on the comparison of shots and scenes within the documentary. Uninflected cuts: Filmmakers want to communicate meaning with the cut, with the shift from one piece of visual information to another piece of visual information; as soon as the cut comes in, the viewer should have sufficient information to form new judgments. An uninflected cut is one that offers one primary piece of visual information (even in the context of other visual information in the shot, a primary segment of visual information stands out) in order to make one significant point to the viewer. Insert close-ups: One way filmmakers break down narrative scenes is by inserting a close-up in an unexpected context; when this is done the shot is often a close-up in order to draw our attention to the image/object and facilitate our judgment of the

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