My Persian Culture

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In my early childhood, my parents moved numerous times back and forth between the Untied States and Iran. Eventually, my family ended up settling in North Houston, where my father bought a traditional two-story home in a typical gated community. Throughout the years, the house preserved many struggles, and witnessed many successes between my family and me. However, not only did our home observe our experiences, but it also embraced our culture. Throughout my life, my home has had a revolution of its own; transforming from a dreadful and dull place to a home that I now look proudly upon. However, what I truly value in my home is the fact that it acts as a safe haven for my Persian culture, something that is as delicate and as priceless as my…show more content…
Unfortunately, in the beginning of our stay, our home was quickly destroyed when two enormously tall trees from our backyard fell straight down into the middle of our living room during a severely strong hurricane storm. As a result, our home was deeply damaged with unstable walls and an unprotected open roof. Moreover, all the carpets had to be removed due to the water damages, which revealed the dusty dark grey concrete floors with sharp needles under the beige carpets. Due to the economic recession at the time, my father was not able to afford reconstruction and improvements on the house. Meanwhile, this unsentimental house was useless due to the constant struggles of collecting and dumping water out during stormy nights. Eventually after years of patience and financial struggles, our home had dramatically transformed with newly tiled floors, freshly painted walls, and a perfectly high-pitched roof. Years later, little by little, as my father’s business began to improve, our home was finally able to transform into a space that was pleasant. Our home became furnished with classical burgundy furniture, extended chandeliers, and golden décor, modernizing this drab house into a formal and prestige arrangement. While others may struggle to envision the renovations my house endured over the years, the image of the old, drab and tragic house embedded…show more content…
In other words, my parents’ daily routines within our home has barely changed, whereas, my personal actions and emotions have slightly altered every since I have moved to Austin. My father nevertheless comes home from work, changes his clothes, grabs something to eat, and for the rest of the night, he remains in his office resting on his personal, leather, and inclined sofa chair watching TV. On the other hand, my mother spends most of her time cooking in the kitchen or sitting down on the couch talking to her friends on the phone. After all these years, my parents’ spatial uses within our home have certainly not changed over time. On the other hand, my personal experiences and attitudes towards my home have somewhat revolved. Before moving to Austin, I would automatically open the fridge, turn on the TV, and toss my backpack on the kitchen table, and I would productively study and finish my reading assignments before nighttime. On the other hand, whenever I come home for the weekend to visit my parents from Austin, I can barely focus and read one single reading assignment. My attitude of being home has transformed from focusing and working to being completely unproductive and relaxed. Although I have always had a desk in my room, I never once studied there and have constantly ended up studying in the
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