My Favorite Vacation Place

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I am going to be taking you to my favorite vacation spot which happens to be 4,403 miles away from where we live. The only way to get to there is by plane, which is the worst part about going to this destination. The plane ride is around 10 hours from Detroit Metropolitan Airport. This state is made up of eight different islands which are surrounded by the North Pacific Ocean. The place I will be talking about is Hawaii. Hawaii will always have a special place in my heart not only because of the outstanding views, but because it meant something to my grandma. My grandma died September 11, 2016, her wish was that my grandpa would take my mom, brother, and I to Hawaii with him. Her wish came true this summer. My grandparents traveled to Hawaii…show more content…
Waikiki Beach is the most popular beach in Honolulu. High-rise hotels line the beach, it reminds me of apartments in a big city. The atmosphere of Waikiki Beach reminds me of New York City because there is always something to do, whether it be shopping, eating, or watching live entertainment. Stores were everywhere, you could find anything you would possibly need in the two miles that made up Waikiki Beach. While that may sound nice to any Shopaholic, my favorite thing to do was going to the ocean. There is nothing more beautiful than waking up to the view of palm trees and the ocean right out your window, it is my paradise. The ocean was like the sky, clear, blue, and never-ending. The breeze carried the salty smell of the ocean all around causing a tingle in your nose. The ocean felt like a bathtub full of ice which caused goose bumps to go down your spine at first contact. Striking waves kiss the shoreline leaving presents for beach goers. The sand looked like diamonds glistening in the sun. The grains of sand stuck to your feet like a magnet. Being at the beach was like all your worries went away, there was no way you could be…show more content…
Maui is more like a suburban city, laid back and not overcrowded. It is known for their magnificent views and hikes. One of the most interesting things we did on Maui was driving up Haleakala. Haleakala is 10,023 feet in elevation and takes about two hours to drive up. The drive feels like it takes centuries, but it is so worth it once you get to the top. The weather was like a winter day in Michigan, cold and breezy. The view was breathtaking, the colors reminded me of a sunset. Everywhere you turned there was a new view to be seen. The clouds were like cotton candy, fluffy and airy. They blanketed the mountain covering some of the formations making it hard to see. The Road to Hana is a popular drive in Maui. It was one of the scariest things I have ever done. There is no cell service because you are driving through forests, which is frightening because if anything happened you would have no communication. The road is two ways, but there is only enough room for one car to drive. While driving the sky-blue ocean is to the left of you and a steep mountain is to the right. The ocean is a straight drop, with one mistake you can end it all. It felt like being on a roller coaster because you never knew what was coming up

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