My Dream In Life

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More than five years in a refugee camp, then to travel 121,158 km till we finally reached a new country, one my dad called; “America the land of opportunity.” I Remember when we first arrive at the refugee camp, we did not have a house, no food, no money and no change of clothes. I was so sad and I remember asking my dad, "dad why are we here? We had money, a house and family. Why did we leave all of that and come here?" My dad responded with, "we left all that behind so you and your brother can go to college. I do not want you to end up like me uneducated." He also said, "do not except me to give you my money, my house, or my business. What I will do is pay whatever it takes so you can go to college and be educated." Knowledge is something that nobody can take from you, it will die with you. So that’s why I am here in…show more content…
A dream that can only be achieved through higher education. I am here in fscj to live through my experiences and to better myself so I can bring up someone better than myself. I want to become someone that my dad will be proud of. I want a secure lifestyle that makes me and my family happy. I also want to accomplish this at an age where I am healthy and young. I believe fscj is a tool to help me get to that place in my life. Fscj helps me by serving as a stepping stone, also Fscj is a bridge taking me to the next level of education. Every day I come to school, I learn something new and get questions that make me think outside the box. I love solving problems, one of my biggest strengths' is math, because it teaches me critical thinking skills. To solve one math problem, you must think more outside the box. My beigest obstacle is myself, because I can only be as great as I allow myself to be, If I do not put forth the effort, I will not flourish. I have a hard time with time management and it can cause me to not surpass the expectations that not only my piers set before me, but my own as
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